Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thai Coconut Curry Soup

I love Pinterest.  It keeps me organized (in an otherwise very unorganized life) with ideas that I'd like to implement someday.  Many of them will remain that way: someday.  But you know you have to act on a recipe when you've pinned it more than once--that's what happened with this soup.  I saw it a few months ago, made it, and liked it, but thought it needed more depth and more flavor.  I then promptly forgot all about it until a couple of weeks ago when I pinned it...and then realized that it was the same soup!  This time I got it right, though.  My daughter loved it, and although it could have been a tad spicier for me, it was just right for the kiddos.  It's an easy soup and comes together easily.  Make a double batch if you want leftovers because my family finished the whole pot in one sitting!

Thai Coconut Curry Soup
Adapted from Chef Michael Smith
Serves 4-6

2 14-ounce cans coconut milk
1 1/2 tablespoons green curry paste
1/2 tablespoons red curry paste
1/2 serrano chile, minced
1/2-3/4 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 carrot, peeled and shredded
1 tablespoon lemongrass (from the tube--this is the only way I can get it!  If you want to use fresh lemongrass, check out the original recipe for the amount and how to use it.)
2 tablespoons fish sauce
Zest of 3 limes
Juice of 2 limes
2 teaspoons dark brown sugar, packed
1 inch fresh ginger, grated on a microplane or minced finely
1 cup snow peas, sliced into 1/2" pieces
1/2 cup red bell pepper, thinly sliced into 1" pieces
1 1/2 cups bok choi, chopped
3 green onions, sliced, a handful of green parts reserved for garnish
4 ounces rice noodles
1 bunch cilantro, chopped, a small handful reserved for garnish
Soy sauce, to taste

Heat a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat.  Open the cans of coconut milk and scoop the heavy cream-like part off into the pot.  Add the curry pastes and serrano chile, cooking until the curry paste is incorporated and the mixture starts to sizzle.  Add the chicken and cook, stirring occasionally, until it is cooked through.

Add the rest of the coconut milk, chicken broth, carrot, lemongrass, fish sauce, lime zest and juice, brown sugar and ginger.  Simmer on low to medium heat for about 20 minutes.  Add the snow peas, bell pepper, bok choi, and green onions and cook for a couple of minutes.  Turn off the heat and add the noodles, submersing them gently under the liquid.  Let sit for about 5 minutes.  (Rice noodles do not need to cook like pasta; they just need to rehydrate.)

Add the cilantro and soy sauce to taste.  Serve hot, sprinkled with green onion and cilantro.

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  1. Fantastic! How about linking it in to Food on Friday: Chillies and other spicy stuff? Have a great week!

  2. Great that you linked in, thanks. have a good one

  3. This sounds amazing! I'll have to make it sometime.

  4. Loves fabulous! I'm totally into Thai flavors right now. I've seen lemongrass at Meijer before, have you looked there?

  5. You are so right about Pinterest! Too funny. This soup looks delish!

  6. Never seen a recipe using 2 different curry pastes before. I'd like to try this. Your recipe is also perfect to submit to my soup event for this month's theme.......

    You are welcome to join in my monthly food blogger event THE SOUP KITCHEN, here for entry details and current theme. New theme each month. All bloggers are welcome, hope to see you participate soon.

  7. Debs, using two different pastes is uncommon, but the first time I used just green, and I wasn't completely satisfied with the flavor. We keep both around the house, so I experimented and liked it best this way. You can always go with just one or the other if you don't have both! :-)

  8. Candy, unfortunately,my grocery choices are Kroger and Walmart only in my little town, and they're pretty limited in ethnic produce. I'll try to pick some up and freeze it, though, next time I'm in Lexington!

  9. Easy recipe to prepare!! Fun to prepare all your recipes. Well done
    My grandmother makes exactly this recipe

  10. Thai curries are my all time fav dish! This looks wonderful, can I ask you how you got the tiny pin it box to function? I have mine in the same spot but I can't find the spot for the second body of text from Pintrest! Hope you don't mind me asking :)

  11. I can't get enough of this delicious soup! Thank you SO much for posting this recipe!!

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