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Monday, February 16, 2009

Blog Issue

For some reason, Blogger hasn't let me upload pictures for two days, so I won't be posting anything until I can put up the lovely pictures that go with the recipes. I have several posts in the wings, and once Blogger decides to cooperate, you'll see them here! Thanks for your patience.


Sue February 16, 2009 at 2:44 PM  

Hi Mindy,
I'm catching up with your blog and really enjoying it. When Blogger does that to me (it happens every once in awhile), I make sure I've saved my post (even if it saves it automatically) and click on Return to Posts. THEN when I go back to editing that post again, usually it's okay and I can upload pictures. A few times it hasn't worked for a day or two, but mostly if I just close it and then go back in, it's ok. Also you could get out of Blogger entirely and then open it again and you may find that it will work.

Shirley February 16, 2009 at 8:26 PM  

Thanks so much for following my blog. It's always exciting to see that someone is interested enough to follow it.

I had a lot of trouble uploading photos recently too. It's pretty frustrating.

cara menggugurkan kandungan dan mempercepat haid August 9, 2020 at 12:46 AM  

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