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About Me

Me and my Test Subjects...ahem...Kiddos
My name is Mindy, and I live in central Kentucky with my husband, daughter and son. I have lived all over: California, where I grew up; Valencia, Spain, where I spent a year as an au pair after college; North Carolina, where I went to grad school; Kentucky, where my husband teaches German at a small liberal arts college and where I also work; and France. My husband and I love to travel, cook, and eat well.

This blog started when I lived in France for a year with my husband and daughter. It was created to document my life in cooking there. Now that I've returned to the United States, I have found that I can't give up the habits learned in France: cooking with lots of fresh produce, shying away from pre-packaged foods, and using meats for which I know the origins.

I love to hear from readers, so please comment away! And if you'd like to contact me by email, you can do so at mindy (at) theworldinmykitchen (dot) com.

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