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Friday, December 12, 2008

Carmelized Pear Muffins

A while ago, I ran across this recipe for Carmelized Pear Muffins with Coffee Icing from A Foodie Froggy in Paris and couldn't resist trying them out for one of our dessert and coffee Fridays. I am one of the few people in the world who doesn't like coffee, but the rest of the muffin looked so yummy! I talked them up for days with the college students, and the night I made them, my husband and I duly taste-tested, only to be disappointed by the lack of flavor and dryness. Hmmm...

By that time, it was too late to make anything else, and my husband reminded me that college students will eat anything that's homemade, so I sucked it up and served them anyways. Imagine my surprise when not only did they eat them, but they gave them glowing reviews! I had to test them again, and lo and behold, they had become tasty and moist overnight! The pear and carmel flavor shined through...phew!

As I mentioned, I changed the recipe a little because I don't like coffee. Instead, I made a simple caramel icing based on this recipe from Allrecipes, which contributed to the moistness the next day after being soaked up by the muffin. Since the brown sugar I find here in France is a little different than what I'm used to at home, the mixture tasted a little more like powdered sugar than I would have liked, so I added a squirt of a premade caramel topping they have here for things like flan. I'm sure that if made with normal American-style brown sugar, this would not have needed that extra caramel flavor.

Caramel Icing
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons milk
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Squeeze of prepackaged caramel topping


1. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter, and mix in 3 tablespoons milk and brown sugar. Boil vigorously for 1 minute.
2. Remove from heat, and beat in 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar. Cool slightly, and beat in the vanilla and remaining 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar. Add more milk if the mixture is too thick.

Thanks, Foodie Froggy for a great recipe!


Chef E December 13, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

Yum I wish I had one this morning for breakfast! I like the bite taken out...I do that too sometimes :)

Anonymous,  December 13, 2008 at 6:34 PM  

what a great breakfast treat to enjoy with a hot cup of coffee. these sound yummy!

Debbie December 16, 2008 at 10:37 PM  

They sure do look amazing. Yum.

Laura in Paris December 19, 2008 at 1:08 AM  

Great recipe indeed! I love pears in all shapes - and in all ways, raw, baked, cooked, marinated.

Andri Berbudi July 1, 2020 at 2:22 AM  

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شركة تنظيف منازل December 13, 2021 at 6:11 PM  

من افضل شركات منطقة مكة المكرمة التي تعمل في مجال تنظيف وتعقيم المنازل تلك الشركة الجيدة التي تقدم خدمات جيدة في تنظيف المنازل من الداخل ومن الخارج وتسمى شركه تنظيف فلل بجده وهي التي تختص بأعمال التنظيف للمنازل الجديدة والمفروشة
وقد تقوم تلك الشركات في جدة ايضا بتقديم خدمات غسيل المفروشات والكنب والسجاد تحت مسمى آخر مثل شركة تنظيف كنب بجدة وتقوم تلك الشركات بتقديم تلك الخدمات بأسعار جيدة وخدمات مقبولة
في العاصمة المقدسة التي هي مكة المكرمة توجد لدينا امكانيات كبيرة في مجال تنظيف المنازل والشقق والفلل كما في شركة تنظيف بمكة المكرمة فلو تريد تنظيف بيتك او منزلك وانت في مكة تواصل معنا في حالة ان كان المنزل جديد
اما في حال ان كان المنزل مفروش واصاب الفرش من الأوساخ والأتربة مثل الكنب والمجالس والسجاد وتريد التنظيف بالبخار تواصل مع شركة تنظيف موكيت بمكة المكرمة وهي شركة متميزة في أعمال الغسيل والتنظيف بالبخار في نفس الموقع

adam clean December 13, 2021 at 6:13 PM  

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نقل عفش بجده
شركه نقل عفش بمكه
شركه نقل عفش بالطائف
وفي منطقة المدينة المنورة تجدنا نمتلك افضل شركات نقل الاثاث مع الفك والتركيب وكذلك في ينبع وينبع البحر مثال عن تلك الشركات
شركه نقل عفش بالمدينه المنوره
شركه نقل اثاث بينبع

ابو خوخه January 29, 2022 at 11:33 AM  

شركة المثاليه اكبر شركات التنظيف
شركة تنظيف منازل بالخبر تقدم تنظيف المنازل والفلل عماله مدربه على اعلى مستوى فى التنظيف

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