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Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Cut an Avocado

Growing up in California, I always took avocados for granted.  They were cheap, in good shape, and everyone knew how to use one.  When I moved to Kentucky, I was surprised to find out how expensive they are and to find out how many people outside of the West don't know what to do with them.  My in-laws in Wisconsin think that they look and feel gross.  Fine with me...that just leaves more for my tummy!  I love to use avocados in salads and in guacamole...what do you use them for?

Today I'm going to show you how to get the lovely green flesh out of an avocado in tact and ready to chop or puree.   First you need to slide a large sharp knife all around the circumference of the avocado, slicing deeply until your knife hits the pit.

Once you've done this, take one half in each hand, and twist in opposite directions.  The avocado should split neatly in half, leaving the pit in one half.

Take the pit side in one hand and whack the pit with your knife carefully, but with enough force to get your knife lodged in the pit. While holding the avocado half with one hand and the stuck knife with the other, gently twist in opposite directions.  The pit should pop out of the avocado and stay stuck to your knife.  Gently remove the pit from your knife.

After you've removed the pit, you should have avocado halves that look like this:

To remove the flesh without squishing it, hold the avocado with one hand, and run a large spoon along the edge of the inside of the skin.  The avocado half should come out in tact.

And now you're left with lovely avocado halves that can be stuffed, chopped or pureed into guacamole!

And, as an added bonus, save that avocado pit when making guacamole.  Place the pit in the container with the guacamole to keep it from turning brown as fast.  :-)

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Bubbe Bites September 8, 2011 at 1:23 PM  

Great tip on the avacado pit. I had no idea. Thanks for sharing.

Christine's Pantry September 8, 2011 at 6:19 PM  

Great tip on avocado for the folks who don't know. :-)

Food Jaunts September 8, 2011 at 8:48 PM  

I love using avocados on sandwiches :) Much better/healthier than mayo or cheese and as equally delicious!

Erin September 8, 2011 at 9:58 PM  

My mom always used the pit in the dip trick when I was a kid! Love avocados, I might be able to live on them alone!

Nava K September 9, 2011 at 5:53 AM  

Thank you for the sharing. I don't use much of avocados for cooking as its really pricey for us over here but will certainly keep in mind your sharing if the need arises.

Anonymous,  September 9, 2011 at 10:23 AM  

Will try this again... still playing "disappearing comment!" I love avocados on everything (!!!) -- or sliced with a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of sea salt and freshly ground pepper. :)

Unknown September 11, 2011 at 12:20 AM  

Hi Mindy,

This is the best advice I've gotten all week. I have a Florida avocado on the counter that's nearly too ripe now. Thanks for the step-by-step pictures that will be helpful when I buy my next avocado. I envy the Californians their abundant avocados.

Thanks for sharing.

Pescetarian Journal

Anonymous,  September 12, 2011 at 8:25 AM  

Such a great tip and I love food tips. Thanks so much. Have a great week, too.

Anonymous,  December 15, 2011 at 5:38 PM  

Since I was a kid, back in France, we ate them in 2 different ways.
The first one was in salads, the other, which is still my favorite, is to cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, then put your favorite vinaigrette in the pit hole, et voila, go for it with a small spoon.
I like to use balsamic vinegar in the vinaigrette, it complement the avocado taste extremely well.

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