12 Days of Christmas: Trudeau Pinch Grips
Onward and upward with my 12 Days of Christmas! I picked up a pair of these Trudeau silicone pinch grips in a little boutique kitchen store in Madison, Wisconsin this summer, and they have not left my countertop! I use them almost every day when I cook--mostly to pick up hot lids, slide a pot to a different burner or even to grab an oven rack. I think they were about $4 each, and they make great stocking stuffers or even small hostess gifts.
Trudeau has a huge line of products, including this cute little tea infuser (if anyone happens to want to get me an early Christmas gift!) ;-)
**This post has been written of my own accord because I like the product. I have had no contact with Trudeau, and they have offered me nothing in return for reviewing this product.
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Oooh, love those. Great color too!
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