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Thursday, June 9, 2011

CSA Week #4

You may have noticed that my CSA posts have skipped from Week #2 to Week #4--I was on vacation last week and didn't have the pleasure of picking up my share.  We did have a great time at the beach in Emerald Isle, NC, though!  :-)

This week I was lucky enough to get a full share.  (I usually get a half share, but because a friend of mine was going to be out of town, she was nice enough to let me have hers...thanks, Lois!)  The picture above shows my typical half share, so I really got double of what you see!  Holy vegetables, Batman!

This week, we received the following:
  • Salad Greens (We've been told that this will be the last week of these for a while because of the hot weather.)
  • Rainbow or Sweet Mokum Carrots (I got one of each since my batch was doubled.)--I'll be making some Potage Crécy with these!
  • Red Leaf Lettuce
  • Red Butterhead Letttuce
  • A Jade Cucumber
  • Hakaurai Salad Turnips--I'll be braising these.
  • Oregano
  • Snow Peas or Shell Peas (I got one of each since my batch was doubled.)
I've already used up some of this--we're having salad every night this week since we received four heads of lettuce and two bags of spring greens!  Our salad last night used up some of the colorful carrots, cucumber, snow peas and oregano.

What did you get in your CSA or at the Farmer's Market this week? Do you have any great suggestions on how to use all of my lettuce in a creative way???

After you let me know, go by and check out a new Facebook page devoted to all things Farmer's Market and CSA called Farmers Market First.  A fellow Kentucky food blogger, Joyce at Friends Drift Inn Kitchen, has started what she's calling a "community to showcase seasonal produce and recipes from local Farmers Market."

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Sherri@FoodBasics101 June 9, 2011 at 3:51 PM  

Hello Mindy! I found you through Basilmomma's Blog Hop. I've been meaning to join a CSA. It looks like you have the ingredients for a yummy salad there. Have a great day! Sherri

Facebook- http://tinyurl.com/3nd53r4

Peggy June 9, 2011 at 6:28 PM  

What a great batch of goodies! We've yet to get any carrots this year, so I'm so jealous!

But we got peas last week (and they were a-mazing!) and can't wait to roast our turnips this week =)

Michelle June 11, 2011 at 10:24 PM  

From our Foxhollow Farm CSA this week, we got: Lacinato kale, carrots, radishes, salad greens, beets, new potatoes and chard. For the last couple of years, we had 2 full shares from 2 different farms. This year, with just the one, we feel free to buy whatever else strikes our fancy at markets without worrying what's waiting at home!

Joon April 28, 2019 at 5:10 AM  

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